Into Your Element
Real change is completely possible. Neuroscience shows us that we can rewire our thinking and behaviour, if we give ourselves the time and commitment to make it happen. With this in mind, my main offerings are
3, 6 and 12 month packages. Bespoke packages and one-off sessions are available on request.
Individual 1:1 packages
3 months, £2200
6 months, £4000
12 month, £7500.
When might coaching be a good fit?
for women who have lost themselves or burnt themselves out in the struggle to be and do it all and are ready to take control and start being their best self both for themself and their loved ones
for women who want to find their confidence and grasp the right promotions and opportunities that really speak to what's important to them
for mums due to back to work after maternity leave who want to call the shots and have a work-life balance that works for them and their family
for women who are preparing to start a family or pregnant mums wanting to start motherhood with clear intentions and confidence in their choices
I'm here to support you to work through what you need, what actions you need to take and ultimately to find the best, happiest you to lead your most fulfilled life.
Have faith, there are other ways - version you 2.0 here we come. 💕
If you'd like to speak about how you can work with me, drop me an email below or book a 60 minute Clarity & Connection Consultation to see how we can work together.

Bespoke Individual Coaching Packages

Explore, Elevate & Expand
12 week energy experience
A final opportunity for Autumn 2024 to go deeper and make radical shifts.
Limited spaces to join me as I add further modalities to my coaching practice.
Neurogetics coaching combines traditional coaching with Frequency Imprinting and energetic practices to allow us to neutralise limiting beliefs that are running under the surface so that we can move forward in our full power before working at a quantum level to bring the conscious and unconscious on the journey to support us in our quest for greater alignment and fulfilment.
Despite getting access to all of my previous training and experience, in this 12 week container you'll get everything I already bring as coach, plus my expansive learnings into energetics, neuroscience and the unseen - all for just £2200.
If you're ready to leap into your future and want to grab this opportunity before it's gone, or if you're intrigued to know more - hit the sign up button below now.

The Purpose Pathway
4 week experience to
This powerful 4 week container will allow you to look at what drives you, what is most meaningful and begin to plan how you can live in alignment to bring your whole, true self into fruition. You are more powerful than you know and this transformational coaching journey will allow you begin to see, believe and act on your true, full potential.
​You know you have that nagging feeling you are meant for so much more. Maybe now is the perfect time to take a look what's waiting...
A True Gift: Calm for Easter
6 week group programme for mums wanting to reclaim their calm in time Christmas
From frazzled and frustrated to calm, confident and in control (just as any great leader, like you, should get to be, ready to fully enjoy this special time of year. This group programme aims to help you reclaim your peace and parent like a leader in time for the holiday season.
Priced with joy in mind, to put you centre stage whilst protecting the finances for the holidays. £222 for 6 weekly 90-minute sessions... plus a deep dive 1:1 for you to use when you choose.
Who knows what else it will unlock for you.

Illuminate Your Essence
Do It Yourself Online Course
This is a very special 6 week offering that I'm very excited about. It brings together a package of self-development in one supportive bubble.
Each week you will have access to a new module to expand and challenge yourself to start looking deeper into who you truly are. These include video content, exercises, journal prompts and more.
All of this for just £97!
Ready to dive in? Click here!

In Person Circle
Connection, togetherness and the sharing of experience in person, face to face, is really important to me. The physical ability to hold each other can't fully be replaced by online services.
This will be a quarterly group gathering based around North Surrey that includes aspects of group coaching as well as the opportunity to share with others and experience other enriching activities.
Our next event is currently being curated, so drop me an email at to join the waitlist to hear when tickets are released.
This is a magical space where we can share a journey towards deeper connection with ourselves through somatic movement, mindset work and the embracing of the unseen.
Tickets are £30.
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